Park Connector Network: Branding

I designed a set of branding and wayfinding design guidelines to provide a fresh outlook for our park connectors.

Land Transport Authority
National Parks Board
Urban Redevelopment Authority


2 Months

My Role

Brand Design



The Discovery

This project started with an observation made while I was strolling in my neighbourhood.

I was intrigued by the signages along the Park Connector Network (pcn). Upon extensive research on the history of pcn and Singapore's 'Garden City' motto, I felt that there was room to rejuvenate its current branding and wayfinding design.

The Development

The concept of the project aims to bridge the past, present and future of pcn with Singapore’s existing 'City In A Garden' and 'Walk Cycle Ride' initiative.
Down-to-earth Voice

The Park Connector Network is reconnecting with its humble beginnings. To represent this, it starts with its abbreviated name.

Reconnect With Our Roots


    Growing With The Urban


      pcn Green

      Its brand colour, known as pcn Green, is used to communicate its brand characters as both refreshing and grounded to its roots.

      Adaptable Logomark Grid-System

      Its values are reflected at the heart of every communication platform. The pcn leaves its mark on an imaginary horizontal path across the centre of the canvas. It is a symbol of transition as we travel on the pcn.

      Brand Activation

      The brand is activated at the transit junctions of the pcn, such as MRT stations and residential vicinity.